my haiku.

I started writing Haiku in 2020, inspired by Rosie Chuong (check out her blog). I wrote my first Haiku and then became addicted. Simply because it allowed me to express my feelings, emotions, in few words, forcing me to use my brain. As we get older, especially myself, going from a job that required lots of brain usage (for me, not for everyone, Iykyk) to working from home at a job that didn't require the same brain usage I found myself, not so much getting "dumber", just not as sharp.

What is Haiku?

A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

I will not force it

Everything flows like water

Prepare for currents

Haters don’t hate you

Hate comes from a lack of self worth

Confidence kills them

Guard your peace always

Protect your energy now

Stay shining your light

I love and need peace

Calm prepares me for this day

Beauty in this time

What is your story?

Does your life have a story?

Write your own story.

Late nights racing mind

But why, what is it I want

I need clarity

This girl loves to write

Although I am not the best

Writing frees the mind