Finding my way back to me

(creating my dash)

Evolve: to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution; to gradually change one's opinions or beliefs.

"Evolve so hard they have to get to know you again"

I am no longer forcing anything. If it doesn’t flow easily to me, it is not for me. That includes relationships, money, events, anything. Don’t force, be the flow. Obviously, I have to work at things/for things but anything that feels forced is not for me and I’m letting it go.

4/7/2023: As part of my evolution I started 75 Hard (Google it), I’m currently on Day 7. And tomorrow I will start the Miracle Morning, waking up an hour earlier to dedicate to personal development. (Update: I finished 75 Hard, read more here).

4/15/2023: All I can say is this new me is definitely holding back petty!

I share this evolution to find my way back to me with you in hopes to inspire you to continue growing and evolving. Life doesn’t stop at a certain age. It only gets better. It gets better with growth, learning, and feeding the soul. So seek nourishment beautiful humans. Never stop, learning, growing, and evolving. Use your pen to write your story.

The content on this page is kind of all over the place. But hey, sometimes that how life is.

We don’t grow if we don’t learn and evolve. I’m not gonna, lie this growth thing is not one for the weak put it’s necessary. I struggle daily in my evolution. I struggle sharing this. My “evolution” began a while ago when I decided to let go of the things that didn’t serve me — emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I decided if it wasn’t helping me grow, it was hindering my growth. This is especially true for relationships. I don’t have any animosity toward anyone; however, I do distance myself from negative people, from soul suckers, from dark people with dark souls. When it comes to releasing things that hinder my growth, keeping it 100, I do eat food that’s hindering my growth (well not my physical growth, these love handles are real…LOL…I don’t have love handles but my waist beads are screaming).

One thing about evolving is remembering oneself about who and what you are.

What are you? Who are you? People often say “remember who TF you are” but how do you remember something you never knew? When you are constantly living a life to please others you never know who you are. All my life (I had to fight, that just popped my head, The Color Purple reference) I’ve been a people pleaser and doing things because I was worried about the opinions of others. People pleasing is f*cking draining. Not gonna lie, I still think about the opinions of others, but as I grow I give less and less f*cks and one day I will give zero f*cks, but until then it’s the growth for me and I love that for me. When I say give zero f*cks I don’t mean I won’t care about people, but when it comes to my life if it’s not about my happiness I will give zero. (***Cue Beyonce – Sorry [Homecoming Live]***) Does anyone really give zero f*cks? IMO people who truly give zero are psychopaths

What does growth look like on you?

6/23/2023: Life has been so challenging lately. I have decided to take my life back!!! I am on a “my life is mine” journey. I am determined to create the life I want. I’m still a little confused as to what that is but I’m working on it. Btw, I finished 75 Hard last week. I will write about it soon.