
Reflections ❤️ are random thoughts - inner voice chronicles. Sometimes the spirit wants me to share a message with someone (including myself) who needs to hear. I hope these messages help you in your spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being.

Random Thoughts

  • That moment when you realize you are so deserving of love and nothing and no one can take that from you. A beautiful love.

  • “When one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance” -Think and Grow Rich

  • Build yourself. Don’t beat yourself.

  • When you ask God for something, don’t be surprised when He gives it to you.

  • Know yourself, know your worth. Cut ties as necessary. Release who and what triggers you and adds stress to your life. **stress kills, literally**

    Before reacting to a situation, ask yourself, “Is this worth my energy?”, “Why am I reacting this way?”, “Do I have all of the facts?”, “Am I making assumptions?”.

    What we have to learn is people are not possessions. They are not ours. They are free to come and go. But it doesn’t mean you have to accept them back in your life once they are gone. Allow people to do as they wish. We have to decide to accept them as they are.

  • There is nothing like the calm you feel when you realize God has a plan so you just flow.

  • You know what sucks? When you ask God to reveal people’s true intentions and ask Him to remove people from your life who aren’t meant to be there and He starts removing the people you thought you needed around, the people you love. What also sucks (for a lack of a better word) is when you know God has a plan for your life but you’re hurting inside because that plan involves cutting people off and removing people you love from your life because you know they aren’t meant to be part of your story, only a chapter and sometimes a short chapter.

  • Sometimes you have to take a step back and disconnect and align. Know that everything in your life is aligning as it should be. Even if it's hard. Even when you are at your lowest and nothing seems to make any sense.

  • 8/18/2023: I was talking to someone yesterday and she told me to “love yourself, date yourself, for a while” and I felt that in my soul. Lately I have been meeting so many people who come into my life just to drop these little gems that I needed to hear.

  • 8/14/2023: Lately I have been trying to figure out my passion, my gifts. You should share your gifts with the world but what if you don’t know what your gifts are? How do you figure out your gifts? Your passions?

  • 8/11/2023: Life has really been a roller coaster lately. On this morning’s walk, I was pondering the idea of closing chapters and starting new ones. I started thinking about how life doesn’t let you start a new chapter until you finish the last chapter. Sometimes it’s hard to put that book down and end that chapter but it’s necessary. Not all chapters are great. Sometimes you don’t want chapters end. Sometime you can’t wait for them to be over. Someone once told me you have to not be afraid of closing chapters, be grateful for the memories. Be grateful for that experience but you have to let go. It’s so interesting how people come into your life to give you these little gems. Often people aren’t meant to stay in your life or be a part of your life. They are just here to give you a few nuggets, make you laugh, make you smile, and move on.

  • Ego vs Spirit. How many times has your ego led you a stray? Made you send that text, make that call? Your spirit was telling you NO, Ma’am don’t do it.

    • Choose you every time!!!

    • Don’t seek approval, you have your own approval.

  • 6/21/2023: Sometimes you need to have a set back to have a comeback.

  • 6/20/2023: You don’t lose people. They lose you. Your infectious spirit, your glowing energy.

  • 5/24/2023: You are what you consume, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Consume wisely.

  • Wake up with intention and purpose.

  • Good morning Queen, it’s a new day. How are you creating your own happiness?

  • “Worrying about critics ain’t the protocol” -Kendrick Lamar

    • If it’s your passion, do it. It may not be for everybody and that’s okay. People will talk about it/you regardless if they love you/it or hate you/it. Either way, don’t believe them. Do you love you? More self love babe.

  • 1/12/2023: Today’s Mantra: I will not force anything, including relationships.

  • 11/6/2022: We often focus so much on what we’ve lost we forget to focus on what we’ve gained.

    Quote of the Day: “Your trauma is not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility”

  • 11/5/2022: Be grateful. Stop focusing on what you don’t have. Your mind becomes darkened. You take life for granted. Your take the simple things for granted.

  • 11/4/2022: Ask not why this is happening to me, but rather what lesson can I learn from this.

  • 10/14/2022: Start each do with gratitude and breathing. If you have nothing else to be grateful for, be grateful you woke up in your right mind.

  • 9/28/2022: Let go of the things that don’t align with the life you want for yourself.

    Quote of the day: “To be the best you must be able to handle the worst”

  • Ask God to help you find your way, your path, your purpose.

  • 9/20/2022: Sometimes the spirit puts a message in your heart or in front of you that you need to share. Share it. Especially to those who the message may be for. The spirit may be speaking to them through you. Everyone may not be receptive to hearing it. But they are listening.

  • 9/17/2022: You can’t and should not try to match energy. Some people can be so negative and toxic, don’t let that energy effect your light and high vibrations. Don’t let their darkness dim your light, not even for a second.

  • 9/13/2022: I felt it in my heart to continue the message from yesterday, people aren’t going to like you, people aren’t going to f*ck with you, you like you, you love you, their loss. Continue to be a dope soul. Continue being the light the world needs. Protect your peace and your spirit. Your peace should be like a fortress blocking all bad vibes. Take time today and everyday to spend in peace, in quiet, in meditation, with God, with self. Many of us don’t know how sit in peace, sit in quiet. There are so many distractions. Pray for peace, pray for the ability to be less distracted, pray for your peace of mind and mental health, ask God for what you need and want and for Him to prepare you for it, listen to Him, pray for patience. Know that God listens be he also has a plan. Listen to Him, trust Him.

  • 9/12/2022: Choose people who choose you. Choose yourself, choose happy. People’s actions or lack of actions are very telling. Listen to them. Trust the vibe. Trust the energy. Be at peace with people’s decisions toward you. You are not responsible for their feelings toward you. Everyone will not vibe with you and that’s okay. Trust the vibe, trust the energy, trust the intuition, trust God. Recognize your value, know your worth. Keep your vibrations high.

    Quote of the day: “If the bubble is never inflated it won’t need to be popped, be humble”

  • 9/7/2022: Relax and be present, focus on what’s at hand and avoid distractions. Write down your goals, make a list of things you want to accomplish. Start your day with quiet time and meditation as you prepare for your interactions with the world. Don’t grab your phone first thing in the morning. Do not let others, social media, the news, emails, text messages, set the tone for your day. Do yoga poses, a downward dog, warrior, plank combination with breathing is a great flow. Do all things with pure intentions.

    Quote of the day: “The higher the levels, the bigger the devils.”

  • 9/6/2022: Freedom - Break the mental chains that are wearing you down, that are making you not do the thing you should be doing.

    Quote of the day: “Free your mind and the rest will follow”

  • 8/27/2022: Rise and shine, focus your mind before you say hello to the world. An unfocused mind is vulnerable to all types of distractions.

    • Remain goal oriented and achieve them, refocus today!

  • 8/17/2022: Hey Babes, you are what you consume. Be cognizant of what you put in your body, mind, and spirit. Consume all things wisely.

  • 8/11/2022: The people around you should be making you better -- mentally, physically, emotionally, spirituality.

  • Take things at face value. This is something new I am trying to live by. My first instinct is going straight pass the statement or action and digging dipper when all I was/am doing is creating problems that aren’t there. Taking things at face value saves you from feeling unnecessary feelings. When we see something, read something, hear something we often instantly get our wheels spinning and make assumptions. Don't make assumptions. Take things as they are presented. For example, someone doesn't text you back. Leave it at that. Don't make assumptions they are upset, they don't want to respond, something must be wrong. No, the simple fact is they didn't text you back. Let it be.

  • 8/9/2022: Stagnancy extinguishes progress

  • Do all things in love. Start today. Don’t wait for the perfect time. The time is perfect. Tomorrow is not promised. Do what makes you happy today. You will never make everyone happy so make yourself happy. Today will be a great day. Make it great. Express gratitude. All things will align and fall into place. Align your thoughts, words, and actions positively and with your true purpose. What fuels you?

  • f your energy feels off around certain people, pay attention.

  • Silence is sometimes the best medicine. Think before you speak. Sit in silence and observe everything around you. Sit in silence and gratitude.

  • Words are powerful. Speak joy and light into your life and the world. Do not clutter your mind with negative thoughts. Self-sabotage is real. I also felt the need to add be prepared for life’s detours and enjoy the journey.

  • Avoiding people who lower your vibe is self care.

Do you suffer from imposter syndrome or wonder why you and not the people in your life? This morning while working out, I had some inner voice thoughts. It’s YOU because YOU put in the work. YOU deserve everything YOU work for. When it comes to the things you've accomplished, never wonder why you and not them. Why not you? You get up early, work on your growth, do the things they won't do. You are uncommon. You avoid mediocrity. You get up early. You don't quit. Most people quit as soon as they see temporary defeat. You want more. You desire more. You can’t take everyone with you. You want to because you love them, you see their greatness, and you want more for them. But they have to want more for themselves.

“You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb a little himself” -Andrew Carnegie


I had an aha moment. I started my first blog back in about 2012 and that didn’t work. I’ve always wanted a podcast wayyyyy before podcasting was cool. Back in 2015, I attempted to record one with some ladies I know, but that didn’t work. I asked several other “friends” to do it with me but that didn’t work. In 2016, I recorded one with another friend but that didn’t work. In 2017, I started my own, I recorded about five episodes but stopped. In 2023, I started one with a friend. We did 10 episodes, it was fun but unfortunately that didn’t work out. Now I’m back here with my YouTube channel, making vlogs.

Everything happens as it should. Trust the journey. Pay attention to what you keep getting drawn to. Growing up I never really knew what I wanted to be. Most kids are like, I wanna be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher. I never knew, but it as I reflect as an adult, was always in me to inspire people. For me to tell people there’s so much more than what’s in front of them. 

Was vlogging/blogging/podcasting my way to inspire people? Was this my calling all along? It's always been in me. It's been my calling, my vision, to share/to inspire. And maybe that is my story. Listening to motivational speakers tell their story always made me think, wow they have an inspiring story, you don't even have a story. But I do. It took me 39 years to get it but I do. And I’m writing chapters in that story daily. Make sure you are writing your story daily and don’t let anyone write it for you.

One thing about your vision is it's yours, it's not for other people to see. You have a prescription for your vision of life, we all have our own prescription. 

Another thing, do it alone. Never let doing it alone, or being alone stop you from doing anything your heart desires.
