it’s okay to let go.

My word for 2024 is RELEASE. I am releasing the idea of what should have been and embracing what is, while working on creating the life of my dreams.

Recently, I had an epiphany, maybe epiphany isn’t the correct word, maybe it was an awakening or a revelation.

We are often drawn to people, places, things (nouns) based on our past memories of them. We want relationships to work, we want places to be the same because of how we remember them but if we focus on the present, what is currently going on would we want that person, place, or thing. You can’t forget the past but you can’t live your present based on the past. And often times those memories of the past aren’t even real anyway. They are false memories we’ve over exaggerated. Like remember that awesome night? But really was it that awesome?

Like when you are drawn to someone, what are you drawn to? Is it the familiarity? Is it things you “remember” from your past or is the present feelings? Did you know something like 85% of our memories are false? What’s drawing you near? Is it the energy, the connection?

How is this person making you feel today, at this moment? How is he or she treating you now? How are you feeling now? You made and created those past memories but how are you doing today? What memories are you creating today? Are they positive?

Speaking of feelings, just because they are the cause of your feelings, they are not responsible for the way you react.

Also, we don’t want to live in the past, but we do need to learn from it. I know it seems a little contradictory to say live in the present, not the past but to learn from the past because it’s kind of like you are still living in it if you are learning from it but

This post has taken me a long time to write because frankly my life has been all over the place. I am not where I “should” be. We gotta let go of the “should”. I’m releasing what should have been. We need to stop shoulding on ourselves and let things be as they are. Remember to embrace the journey. Trust it. It’s a part of life. Everything works out as it is supposed to.


My divorce is final, now what?


Pero Like, Go for a Walk