New Year, Same You, but Even Better.

Going into the new year is not always about a new year, a new me. It’s about leveling up the current you. Making the current you even better, evolving, growing. We can always continue to grow, evolve, and get better. Once we stop learning and evolving we are dead. Not in the physical sense, but in an emotional, mental, and spiritual way.

As we go into 2023, the “Year of Me”, at least that’s what I’m calling it. It’s time to start focusing on you. It’s the year of doing stuff for you, focusing on you. Doing what you’ve always wanted. Doing the things that make you happiest. Doing the things you fear. And guess what, most of these things you will do alone. And that’s okay. Everyone isn’t meant to join you on your life journey. 

Create the life you want to live. 

In 2023, we are working on creating the life we want to live. The life we envision for ourselves. The life we put on our vision board. This doesn’t happen over night. It takes time. But each day we have to do something to work on that life. We can’t wait for it to just happen or someone to do it for us. It’s truly up to us. We need to write down what we want in life, the steps we need to take to get there, and execute it!!! You want that business, work on your business plan, you want to lose weight, work on your diet. Remember the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat, so each day you will need to do something to crush those goals. We need to water that plant daily and it will grow. All trees start as a seed. We are going to start living, no more just being alive. You WILL die, so you must LIVE.

Create your own happiness.

This year we are creating our own happiness. We will not depend on others to create our happiness. Nor are we letting anyone steal our happiness. Remember if you allow others to be responsible for your happiness they can take it away. This is the year of not taking anything personal.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

We are not giving any more. This year we are giving to ourselves. It's not about being selfish. Selfcare is not selfish. We've been giving ourselves to people for far too long. We are saying NO to things if our spirit doesn't scream HELL YES. If you are a giver, continue giving, it's in you. I’m a giver, I love to see people smile. My giving energy is real. But we have to mindful of what we are giving, how we are giving, and how we feel when we are giving. Are we giving our time to the wrong things and people? 

Your body is the ultimate communicator.

This year we are listening to our bodies.

How do they feel around certain people? How do you feel when you consume certain things? Pay attention. Your body speaks. Trust it.

You are your own peacekeeper.

This year’s focus on protecting our peace, elevating your vibe, and guarding your spirit. This may mean different things to different people. For some of us it may be using the greatest app ever created called “Airplane Mode”, for others it may be deleting unnecessary social media apps or deleting/blocking people from your life. I recently deleted SnapChat and TikTok. Neither one of them was bringing me joy, adding to my vibe, and frankly were disrupting my peace. 

Live a life a joy.

2023 is the year of joy! It’s the year of starting to wake up each day living a joyful life. If not now, then when! Tomorrow isn’t promised, so live in your joy today.

This year we are only doing and consuming the things that bring us joy. We are getting rid of ALL things that do not currently bring joy, including people. I know you are keeping those pants because you paid a lot of money for them or those expensive shoes, but honey if they are uncomfortable, let them go.

As part of living a life of joy, you need to create your list of non-negotiables. Non-negotiables, we are gonna call them non-negs, are the things you must do daily to help in your execution of living the life you intended for yourself. The non-negs are the things that are going to help you live the life you want to live, the things that will bring you closer to your life goals.

Non-negs may be something as simple as a noon cup of tea. Stopping what you are doing and enjoying a cup of tea, feeling peace, and calmness.

A few of my non-negotiables are Noon tea, Gallon water daily, 30 minutes physical activity. What are your non-negotiables?

Gratitude and presence. 

This year we are starting each day with gratitude. Living a life of gratitude is key.

We are also focusing on the present. Everything else has passed or has not happened (and my not happen). No more what-ifs, we are living in what is. When we live outside of the present we often live in stress, which can literally make us sick. 

One more thing, this year, we are releasing people who don’t bring joy. Just keep in mind, we can release them quietly, they don’t even know they’ve been released. But also give people grace. You never know what someone is going through. That does not mean you have to keep the soul suckers around!!!!!! Sometimes people have shit going on and project it on you so you have to love them from a distance and pray for them. Letting people go may be hard, but it may be necessary for your well-being.

I write this to help inspire you to live a life of joy and create your own happiness, but also as a note to myself. Let your light shine, babes.

Love ya,



Pero Like, Go for a Walk


Public lifestyle, private life.